Past Due Commission Request

If you are expecting commission from a vendor and know it is past due and you have not received it to date, please fill out the following form and accounting will investigate the claim.  As a reminder, any commission received more than 6 months ago cannot be claimed for payment as our system does not retain detailed cash receipt information past that time period.  CTE will charge a flat $50 fee for any unclaimed commissions posted to you that were not properly invoiced by time of commission payment to CTE causing us to have to place these funds into an unclaimed commission account.  If commission is less than $50, commission is forfeited, therefore do not fill out this form.

Prior to submitting the form, please ensure the following has been done:

  • Ensure commission you are claiming is more than $50
  • You have contacted the vendor and obtained payment confirmation to CTE, along with the date it was paid
  • You have invoiced the sale in ClientBase


Past Due Commission Request Information Needed