
Once we receive this completed form, an account will be created in our accounting system under your agent number along with the group name and will be held on account. If you are paying by credit card, charge it on and make note of the group name in the description field.

When you are ready to use any of the funds “on account” for this group, you will be required to run an invoice as normal through ClientBase for whatever vendor you want funds to be paid to and then complete the check request form on One World. One World>Library>Accounting>Partner Check Request. Funds for such payment will be deducted from the “on account” funds. Please make sure there are appropriate funds “on account” whenever invoicing/requesting payment to be made.

If you have paid the vendor yourself, either by credit card or check of your own, please submit the receipt to accounting along with a check request to be made out to you. This will allow accounting to reimburse you without it appearing as commission.

Please contact with any questions.