Credit Card Charge Request
- We have the capability to charge your client’s credit card if the need arises, such as a service fee or a vendor that does not accept CCs and then we issue a check to the vendor.
- We incur 5% bank fees for the processing and will need to pass that along to you at the time of your next commission check.
Below is the processing form required for charging your client’s credit card when NOT giving it to the vendor.
- Once you submit the form, you MUST send an email to with the security CVV number from the credit card
- In the subject line of the email, supply the clients name and “charge information”, i.e., Jane Doe – Charge Information
- In the body of the email, simply supply the CVV number
- Accounting will process the credit card charge within one business day and notify you via email when the charge is complete, which will also include a receipt for the transaction
Once you receive the receipt from accounting, you may place the receipt in your client’s file for this specific trip. When invoicing this transaction in Clientbase, you MUST use the “FOP” (form of payment) as Credit Card
NOTE: If you need to process a refund, please contact accounting directly, do NOT utilize this form.